Elevated Metric Latency - EU West (prod-eu-west-0)
Incident Report for Grafana Cloud
Between 20:10 and 22:13 UTC, we observed a brief period of increased metric write latency, as well as increased latency in some rule evaluations. Engineering has assessed, rectified and resolved this issue as of this time and users on the EU West (prod-eu-west-0) cluster should no longer experience elevated metric latency.

Considering this incident resolved. No further updates.
Posted Jan 22, 2024 - 22:56 UTC
This incident affected: Grafana Cloud: Prometheus (GCP Belgium - prod-eu-west-0: Querying, GCP Belgium - prod-eu-west-0: Ingestion) and Grafana Cloud: Prometheus Rules and Alerts (GCP Belgium - prod-eu-west-0: Rule Evaluation).